Registration - IELTS test centre in Kyrgyzstan
If you wish to book your official paper-based IELTS exam, please press GO TO REGISTER below. Before you register, we strongly recommend that you read INFORMATION.
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If you wish to book your official computer-delivered IELTS exam, please press GO TO REGISTER below. Before you register, we strongly recommend that you read INFORMATION.
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IELTS preparation is carried out by our partners British Study Community. Your application for a trial lesson will be sent to the appropriate British Study Community. Sign up for a trial lesson in preparation for IELTS
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What you should know about registration for the IELTS test

Important registration information for IELTS on Paper

If you’re not officially a resident in Kyrgyzstan, you will not be able to sit an IELTS on paper test. However, you can still take the test on computer so please do choose that option.


Already booked an IELTS on Paper test and you do not hold Kyrgyzstan nationality?

If you booked your test before 16 January 2025, you will not need to show proof of residence.

If you booked your test after 16 January 2025, you will need to show proof of residence by email at least three days before your test date.

Acceptable proof of residence includes:

  1. A valid Student Visa (stating purpose, length of visa and expiry date) stamped in the passport.
  2. A valid Work Permit (2 documents) including Visa (stating status and expiry) stamped in the passport and Work Permit card (showing expiry date).
  3. Residence Permit or Temporary Residence Permit

What documents you need to register for your IELTS test


You are required to present your valid ORIGINAL document, used for booking your IELTS, on BOTH Speaking test day and Main/Written test day (Listening/Reading/Writing)
Scans, photocopies and notarized copies are NOT ACCEPTABLE.


Important registration information for IELTS on Paper

If you’re not officially a resident in Kyrgyzstan, you will not be able to sit an IELTS on paper test. However, you can still take the test on computer so please do choose that option.


Already booked an IELTS on Paper test and you do not hold Kyrgyzstan nationality?

If you booked your test before 16 January 2025, you will not need to show proof of residence.

If you booked your test after 16 January 2025, you will need to show proof of residence by email at least three days before your test date.

Acceptable proof of residence includes:

  1. A valid Student Visa (stating purpose, length of visa and expiry date) stamped in the passport.
  2. A valid Work Permit (2 documents) including Visa (stating status and expiry) stamped in the passport and Work Permit card (showing expiry date).
  3. Residence Permit or Temporary Residence Permit

You are required to present your valid ORIGINAL document, used for booking your IELTS, on BOTH Speaking test day and Main/Written test day (Listening/Reading/Writing)
Scans, photocopies and notarized copies are NOT ACCEPTABLE

How you can register for the IELTS test

ONLINE. Once you register online, you’ll receive a letter specifying your test details, however, your registration will still be incomplete. Then, within 48 hours, you’ll need to pay your registration fee. Upon the payment you’ll receive another letter, and your registration will be considered complete and confirmed.

Before registration, please make sure you have a valid ID (passport or national ID card – Kyrgyz citizens can use either (not both!), but once used, this original ID must be presented at each stage of the test – both on Speaking test day and Main/Written test day; foreign candidates must use their Passports only). Before booking, make sure that your identification document will remain valid for at least two years.

Online registration will take you up to 25 minutes, and we suggest that you have your identification document at hand, as you will need to upload a clear photocopy of it.
Personal data must be entered in the same way as they appear in the identification document.
Please fill in all blanks carefully.
Read IELTS Terms and Conditions before you tick and confirm.

PAPER APPLICATION. You can also book your test in person if you complete a paper application. Our  staff will help you every step of the way to make sure that booking you test runs smoothly.

Links to register for the IELTS test

From November 2020 our IELTS test centre will start delivering the IELTS Speaking test via video calls. This means more flexibility and more availability of IELTS Speaking tests.

You will take the Video-Call Speaking test at our IELTS test centre with the same high standard of identity verification. The test will be exactly the same as the in-person Speaking test in terms of content, scoring, timing, level of difficulty, question format and security arrangements.  Delivered by an IELTS Speaking Examiner, the video-call Speaking test will maintain the face-to-face feature of the in-person Speaking test.

Test taker guidelines for the Video-Call Speaking test

Find out more about IELTS video-call speaking test (video)


IELTS on Paper
If you choose this option, the Listening, Reading and Writing sections will be paper-based.

Follow this link to register for paper-based IELTS test

IELTS on Computer

If you select this option, you will take the Listening, Reading and Writing sections on a computer.

Follow this link to register for computer-delivered IELTS test

Payment options

You can make the payment in one of the following ways:

By cash in our office at 11 Tabyshaliev str, Bishkek.
By transferring to OPTIMA, MBANK e-wallet
We remind you that payment by any of the above methods must be made within 48 hours. In case of non-payment within this period your registration will be cancelled.

What’s next?

After booking your test, you will  receive an automatic email with your IELTS test details.


Our test dates:

Please follow this link to find out more about our test dates available

IELTS practice tests

Our partners – British Study Community Kyrgyzstan – offer IELTS practice tests in close-to-real IELTS test environment.

IELTS practice test fee is 1200 soms.